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Counterpoint: Someone Else Should Be the Change I Wish to See in the World

I see your point and I agree. The world is a place full of devastating tragedy but also equally powerful compassion. As much as I want to express this compassion, I wholeheartedly disagree that I should have anything to do with making that happen. Someone else should be the change I wish to see in the world.

You say it’s on each individual to create the positive change they wish to see. Well to that I say, you fucking do it. I’m out here on the front lines of the internet working my ass off to envision the perfect society. Now that I have, you all need to change to fit it.

I also agree that it is important for you to change who you are as a person to set an example for others. Emphasis on YOU. I’ll sit back and continue to be entertained by my iPhone that was made at a factory with suicide nets. And I will use that iPhone to berate others for being complacent with workers being paid pennies a day in horrendous conditions.

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Systemic oppression is a major detriment to an ideal society. Duh. What you need to do is all get together, show your numbers to those in power, and dismantle that system. You guys go ahead, I’ll hang back here.

I too believe in education reform. Why do you think I’m getting my third master’s degree? I learn how to tell the rest of you how to make this world a better place. And since my parents agreed to pay for my college in their divorce and I just keep attending school, they probably believe in education reform too.

You did make a compelling argument when you mentioned Gandhi’s famous quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Well a guy at a bar told me he heard someone say that Gandhi said something nice about Hitler once so score another point for me.

To address your final point, it is important for us to take on a DIY ethic. A do it yourself ethic. I agree. I want to see a change in this world and you should do it, yourself.