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We Spoke With Our Mom and She Said You Can Come Over if Your Mom Says It’s Okay

Okay, don’t tell your mom but our older sister rented Cruel Intentions from Blockbuster and she won’t be home until late because of soccer practice. It’s this movie where two ladies kiss and we heard someone… does it.

So, if you want to watch it, we at The Hard Times had the chance to sit down with our mom to ask if you can come over and do “homework.” We think she bought it, but remember what the story is in case your mom talks to her.

Here’s what she had to say:

The Hard Times: Hi, Mom, thanks for being here.

Our Mom: …

Can Abby come over?

Mom. Mom.

Mom. Mom. Mom.


We asked if Abby can come over to the house.

Honey, it’s a school night.

But Mom, we have a big project due tonight at 8.

Tonight at 8? What do you mean?

That’s when Blockbuster closes! We mean, when Abby’s mom is going to come pick her up.

I’m sorry, what is this? I’m on a conference call.

Our project!

Alright! Just have her ask her mom and if she says yes, she can-

Abby! She said you can come over and watch the two girls french in Cruel Intentions!

Big thanks to our mom for taking the time to answer our question. Next time, we’ll be sitting down with our mom to discuss extending this movie night into a sleepover.